Keynote Address by Sheikh Abdulqadir Mandla Nkosi, President of the South African Section

During the opening speech of the seminar organized by the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema under the theme of: “Common religious Constants: Foundations of the African Identity” in Pretoria, South Africa, Sheikh. Abdulqadir Mandla Nkosi, stated this is not the one and only activity, but it is the first of a series of conferences and seminars,and added that it is time to act and communicate as all the sections of the Mohammed VI Foundation are doing.
Hence, the president of the section in South Africa reminded about the fact that the foundation is not as any other organization with the desire of overshadowing, but it is an organization with the only objective of preserving Islam which have always existed in Africa.
Furthermore, Sheikh Abdulqadir Mandla Nkosi, affirmed that Islam without Ihsan and Iman is not right, and confirmed that Islam, Ihsan and Imam complement each other. Also, the president of the section in Pretoria considers the concepts of Islam are broad, and hard to narrow it down due to the diversification of schools of jurisprudence. Hence, with this diversification, the same message was given in the whole African countries, for instance, by Sheikh Youssef in Cape Town, Sheikh Diferno in Nigeria and Sheikh Zerrouk in Morocco. He added that Sufi orders and their importance as one of the common religious constants and considered it as the fruit of the Islam in Africa.
To sum up, the president of the section of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema stated that the right move is moderation, not too far to left, nor to the right especially in Islam which always has been the religion of ease,peace, tolerance and moderation. This is why the section of the foundation in South Africa is going to collaborate in the preservation of these common constants and in the protection of Islam from bad presentation and extremism which are the main continental challenges of the Mohammed VI foundation of African Oulema.