Inaugural Ceremony Program of the Ghanaian Section of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema

Common African religious grounds constitute the strong linking factor between the diversity of the African continent people, and a key pillar to foster their social spiritual stability. Preservation of these common religious grounds become an immunity against religious excessive and extremist aberrations on the continent. However, in order to achieve these noble goals, the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema (Islamic scholars) within the framework of the efforts exerted by Oulema, organizes a series of scholarly activities in various African countries to ensure sanity and discipline in their respective communities. In this context, the section of the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema in the Republic of Ghana is organizing the current symposium under the theme of “COMMON RELIGIOUS GROUNDS TO PROMOTE THE VALUES OF PEACE AND TOLERANCE”
Aims and Objectives of the Symposium
The symposium seeks to achieve the following aims and objectives:
- Define the means of communication between Oulema in Ghana and their counterparts in the Kingdom of Morocco in order to establish the common African religious grounds.
- Introduce the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema with the purpose of establishing common religious grounds
- Provide a bright picture of what a common religious ground stands for.
- Consolidate the values of tolerance, peace and interfaith dialogue.
- Highlight the virtues of Sunni concept of Sufism and its impacts on the spiritual stability in Africa.
- Demonstrate the impacts of the Malikite School ofthought in establishing moderation and tolerance in the Muslim communities.
- Throw light on the comprehensiveness of Al- Asha’ari school of thought to protect the values of religious tolerance.
The Seven Thematic Subjects of the Conference are as Follows
- Concept and contents of the common African religious grounds.
- Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema: The Context of its foundations. Objectives and efforts in dissemination of the Values of Peace and Tolerance.
- Common religious grounds and maintenance of the moderation stance within the frame work of African Islamic scholarship.
- Upholding the values of peace, dialogue and peaceful coexistence through common religious grounds.
- The impacts of Malikite dogma on the establishment of moderation stance in, tolerance and peace.
- The fundamentals of the Asha’ari dogma and their sublime great purposes.
- Religious Sufism spiritual stability of the African societies.
Participating Speakers from the Republic of Ghana
- Sheikh/Prof. Osman Bari – Secretary General of the Ghana’s section.
- Rabiatu Armah – Senior Lecturer Department for the Study of Religions & guest speaker
- Abbass Shakhr Alhassan – Lecturer of the study of the Quran – Accra.
- Sheikh Suleiman Mahmud – an Imam and preacher of Anya central Mosque, Anya, Accra.
Participants from the Kingdom of Morocco
- Professor Atiqa Bouhouria Moulay Al Meliani – Project Manager at the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema.
- Hassane Azzouzi – President of the Local Council of Oulema of Moulay Yacoub Province / Professor of Higher Education at Sidi Muhammed Ben Abdullah University, Fez, Kingdom of Morocco.
- Rajae Naji Makkawui – Member of the Higher Council of Oulema, Kingdom of Morocco.
- Dr. AbdelKader Bettar, Professor of Higher Education at Mohammed I University, Oujda, Kingdom of Morocco.
- Brahim Errouani – International Reciter, Kingdom of Morocco.
Program of Activities Lineup:
First Day – Saturday,April 27th,2019
- Reception and registration of the invited guests.
- Opening prayer by : National chief Imam Dr. Osman Nuhu Sharabutu.
- Morning Session-Chairman: Dr. Saleh Uthman, lecturer, collage of Quranic studies, Madina, Accra.
- Swallah Osman/ Lecture collage of Quran Accra – Madina Ghana/ cochairman: Sheikh salis Hussein Swallah/ Director of FIRDAWS Community Service Foundation.
- Recitation of verses from the Holy Quran: by Ibrahim al-Rawwani, an International reciter from the Kingdom of Morocco.
- Honourable Dr. Mustapha Abdul Hamid, minister for Zongo affairs and inner development – Principal speaker.
- Address by the chairperson of the Mohammed VI Foundation for African Islamic Scholars, Ghana Branch :- Sheikh Mustapha Ibrahim, chairperson of the section.
- Introduction of the Foundation and its efforts in promoting the values of tolerance and Peace, Professor Atiqa Bouhouriyya Moulay AlMilyani, Project Manager at the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema.
- Statement by Honourable Dr. Mustapha Abdul Hamid, minister for Zongo affairs and inner development – Principal speaker.
- Rabiatu Armah/ Senior Lecturer Department for the Study of Religions & guest speaker.
- Statement by His excellency, Mr. Mohammed Farhat, the Ambassador of Morocco in Ghana.
- Mr Abubakr Seddik, the Representative of Muslim community in Parliament-Ghana.
- Reverend Emmanuel Asante/ Chairman of the Board National Peace Council.
- Formal inauguration of the section – by the second lady Mrs. Samira Bawumia.
The first academic discussion: Chairman, Prof. Osman Bari/ Secretary general/ Ghana Section
- Recitation of verses from the Holy Quran: Ibrahim al-Rawwani, an International reciter from the Kingdom of Morocco.
- Doctor Hassane Azzouzi, President of Local Council of Oulema, Moulay Yacoub Province and Professor of Higher Education, Sidi Muhammed Ben Abdullah. University, Fez, Kingdom of Morocco – “The religious sufism and its Role in Establishing Values of Tolerance and Peace”.
- Sheikh Abdul Wadud Harun, a leading Islamic preacher, Kumasi, Ashanti Region/ Sheikh Amin Bamba Alfardi, Imam, Preacher – “Interfaith dialogue and the common religious grounds to promote the values of peaceful coexistence”.
- Doctor Raja Naji Makkaoui, Member of the Higher Scientific Council / Kingdom of Morocco – “Sunni Sufism and Protection of Common Human Values”.
- Professor Osman Bari, General Secretary of Ghana Section Intervention from the Republic of Ghana.
- Sheikh Ahmed Saeed, General Secretary Kumasi council of Oulema and Imams intervention.
- Discussion.
- End of the session with recitation of the verses of from the Holy Quran: Reciters from Ghana – Muslim Ahmed/ Mohammed Mahmud.
Second Day: Sunday 28 April, 2019
The second academic session: Co-Chairperson, Sheikh salis Hussein Swallah/ Director of FIRDAWS Community Service Foundation/ co-chairman: Dr. Swallah Osmam, Lecturer, of Quranic studies Accra – Madina Ghana
- Recitation of verses from the Holy Quran: Muslim Ahmed/ Mohammed Mahmud from Ghana.
- Dr. Abdelkader Bettar, Professor of Higher Education, Mohammed I University, Oujda, Kingdom of Morocco – “Comprehensiveness of the Asha’ari school of thought and its goals”.
- Alhassan abdurrahim – Lecturer at University of Ghana – Legon.
- Mohammed Zainuddeen Abdul Mumin – Lecturer at University of Ghana – Legon.
- Closing of the session with recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by: Ibrahim al-Rawwani, an International reciter from the Kingdom of Morocco.
Closing Ceremony- Chairperson: Professor Atiqa Bouhouria Moulay Meliani, Project Manager at the Mohammed VI Foundation of African Oulema
- Reading of suggestions and recommendations.
- A statement on behalf of the Ghanaian Oulema, by: Sheikh Munir Abdallah Tawfeeq/ Member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation – Ghana Section.
- A statement on behalf of the Moroccan Oulema, by Dr. Hassan Azzouzi, President of Local Council of Oulema , Moulay Yacoub Province and Professor of Higher Education, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdullah University, Fez, Kingdom of Morocco.
- Message of solidarity.
- Closing Prayer by: Sheikh Umar Ibrahim Imam, national Imam of Ahlul Suna Wajama.
- The word of advise by: Sheikh yahya Amin – Religious adviser.
- Recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by: Ibrahim al-Rawwani, an International reciter from the Kingdom of Morocco.
- End of the program.